KFTD Commitment to Prevent Bribery and Corruption with Good Corporate Governance

PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) as part of Kimia Farma Group upholds a robust framework of good corporate governance (GCG) that encompasses principles, policies, and practices to ensure ethical, transparent, and accountable management. This framework is essential in guiding KFTD in conducting its operations by legal requirements, thereby preventing unlawful bribery and corruption.

Implementing GCG within KFTD enhances operational, financial, and decision-making transparency. By prioritizing transparency, KFTD cultivates trust among stakeholders, including governmental entities, investors, the public, and business partners. This trust is fortified through KFTD’s commitment to accountability and providing accurate and transparent financial reporting, which are pivotal in fostering stakeholder confidence.

To effectively mitigate the risks associated with bribery and corruption, KFTD commits to employ a variety of strategic measures through GCG, including:

Emphasize Transparency and Accountability

Firstly, KFTD emphasizes transparency and accountability, reducing the likelihood of unethical behavior and promoting a culture of integrity within the organization. Furthermore, the delineation of powers within KFTD ensures that decision-making processes are rigorously monitored by the board of commissioners, thereby upholding ethical standards and preventing abuses of authority.

Partition of Powers and Supervision

Managing conflicts of interest is critical in minimizing opportunities for criminal activities such as bribery, corruption, nepotism, or misuse of confidential information. This is complemented by rigorous internal controls designed to detect and prevent fraud and data manipulation within KFTD’s operations.

Training and Education

Moreover, KFTD strongly emphasizes ethical values, seeking to instill a corporate culture that unequivocally condemns unlawful behavior. Ongoing training and educational initiatives further empower employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and address potential risks associated with criminal activities.

Participation of Stakeholders

KFTD actively encourages stakeholder participation to solicit valuable insights and perspectives on effective practices for deterring corrupt activities. In sum, the implementation of GCG within KFTD represents a comprehensive approach aimed at ensuring professionalism, transparency, and accountability. It thereby plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the organization against bribery and corruption while reinforcing trust and credibility with stakeholders.

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